Saturday, May 14, 2011

Baby H's Stats

Sorry about the lack of posts in March and April... we found out I'm pregnant on March 1st and I haven't had the same number of waking hours to web surf and post as I usually do... I'm pretty pooped by 9:00 or 10:00 at night. That being said, I have a little more energy now and baby H is growing away. Here are the latest stats:

Tomorrow we will be at 15 weeks which means the baby is the size of a naval orange!
We've had 2 ultrasounds and have heard the heart beat. Our next ultrasound is in June and we find out the sex. We are both pretty convinced it's a boy but we shall see... baby is due November 6th.

No names are picked out yet... stay tuned.

Nothing has been done about a nursery or picking out decor due to my beefed up sleeping schedule and lack of engery! Work and family stuff has been taking up most of my time anyway lately. This week I had a burst of energy and I started figuring out what kinds of spaces I like for the little one that aren't too "Disney" and that mesh with the rest of the house decor.

Here's a picture of the cutie taken at 13 weeks:

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